Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Disowned by people around, disgust expressed by the passers by
clean my soul stand in the impurity of my existence, life has never
seemed to be more free than I stand today, I have nothing to loose
here in this ghetto, called the society, the values of "family", love
affection, all sound same to me, noise. Infinite call of insecurities,
Broken away from myself, lived in my fears, fears of being not loved,
fear of being alone, beyond fear I am finding the glow, shed the age
old baggage, yet my back feels the weight of memories, impressions of
my childhood, the suffocation of my own voice, the echo of my existence
in a room, trapped in a grave of society, slowly the pit of my existence
my voice was being covered with the soil of belief, the soil which shuts
millions, I cant forget the hard breaths taken to come to life, the echo
of my voice in my lungs, millions thoughts and questions killing my
innocence, making me the animal that i am today, i hold no one responsible,
but irresponsible to show me the ways which all took to die in their pits
peacefully, I dont want to die in peace of the so called "sanity" , in the peace
of a millions of dollars, mansions, and a so called family, all joined with the
common theard of money, property, wealth, with grief on the face and
the happiness in their hearts, i cant be the man, so idealistic an idiot,
may be all idiotic i sound to the world, writting things without a meaning,
the maniac, romanticising life, all terms attached to me, a path which
today i choose to walk on, a path which is unknown, i am not a rebel , nor
I submitt, I am just a traveller, wonderer in the walk of life, in the true spirit
to find the new lands, ideals of existence, a path i am walking alone, dont expect
others to commit the suicide of walking, against the flow of time, coz they wont
come back to you, a lot to loose and profits never come, what comes in the