Thursday, December 12, 2013


Where are those innocent smiles
where are the moments under the sun
where are the nights under the star lit sky
did i rush and run to forget and miss all of these
where is the moments to stare at the camel in the desert for hours
where are the long walks on the mountain paths where is the fun of discovering a broken chruch in the wild
where are shadows of the sun and leaves playing why dont I see them anymore
where is the beauty where I just dont get to see where is my smile which i have not smiled looking at something simple and beautiful why dont i see the colours anymore why is the sky looking soo depressing to me where is the beauty of the sky under which i live why are there only corners and not the centre of the room why are these edges where i read to fall off where are the paths which inspired to make me see beauty! 
Everyday when dawn brings along the dusk
I feel a part of me which lived died along
there is soo much I meant to today never got done
there was soo much to live when lived along
I wish to smile every moment and absorb time
between today dusk and dawn
as the circle completes I wish to reincarnate from
the fading light into the bright dawn... 

Thursday, December 05, 2013

Rain Drops

Tip said to top
as they plop and ptop
from the sky above
why do you fall on her head
and I on her top
that is not fair cause I am tip
and you are top...

Monday, December 02, 2013


The Napkin took a nap by her kin
waiting for her king in her nap she dreamed
she dreamed of the king and his kin
coming on a horse trampling and crampling on the grass so green and clean
she smiled and grin only to be woken up to wipe the grim of the face of a mannequin
That's tale of Napkin dreaming of her kin and king of her dreams 

Mr. Nonsense

Nonsense walks around the street with all his sense
sensing the light go red, feeling the urgency which could not rest,
dashing across the street in the moment of heat
jumped over the red light landing on his two feet
and there lives Nonsense in the world of senses

Sunday, December 01, 2013

there will lot more many

There will be only as many chances as you want
there will be as many lives as you want to live
there will those many masks you want to wear
there are only those many miles you want to run
there will only as many regrets as you want to pile
but there will be many chances to take
but there will be many roads to travels
but there will be many mountains to climb
but there will be many seas to conquer
but there will be many more imagination to imagined
sadly there is only of "time" we have in our lives
sadly there are thoughts we create to bind
there is a circus of freaks who will juggle and buggle
with my our head and our hearts
there is just one lifetime I dont know how can be it given to one thing
there are many things to do and many things to write
it is an absolute waste to wile it all away life i did till date
to the little dreams and grand memories down the lane ahead
i tell myself today take the ship into the sea
see where the waves lead you
there will be wind and there will be those days of stagnation
but never forget the ship it is just small vessel in the world
not the world... stop this and smile :D