Monday, August 29, 2005


walking through the jungle of life
through the moonless night and
the pleasent morning things seems
soo worthless to these eyes loneliness
sucks the beauty of life from my head
everything has become life less the
sun rises coz it has to rise ..... the rain
falls coz the sky cant hold it .. the star filled
sky no longer evoke beauty in my mind...
the pattern of my life and beauty in it
has been outshadowed by anger fustration
lonliness and i no longer can bear the pain
of dullness choices seems limited but
the heart is not ... but it cries await the fire
to clear the haze from my mind ....
waiting is all i can do and time is
what i dont have.........................

1 comment:

A Dash of Ash said...

I don't think there's a need to tell you what i feel Prithvi. Your words express my feelings. My loneliness...There's nothing we can do about it , my only respite is the very sky that holds so many of our dreams. Don't let its beauty fade away. It is the only friend when the world turns away...