Wednesday, December 03, 2008 it seems

Life is the flavour of season going by and season which holds now, the moments could freeze under the harsh sun, could flow like water in the fierce winter or dry in the never ending monsoon. the true flavour of life is beyond what you see, it is how you feel it is about the mystery of the next breath you tke... life is more than ideas and ideals concieved by the social woos, life is more like life so live the air you breathe not the air which is no more or the smell of tomorrow

Monday, September 08, 2008


Once we die, everyday we live, and to live, everyday we die....
When death is evident, then why live to die, why dont we die to live..
beauty beholds in our hearts, and not in the decisions and conclusion
we draw through time, life is about those hardest times and those
sweetest memories, which brings tears to our eyes, life is not the
hope nor the pursuits for happiness, for it always exists in our
illusions of pain and misery... life is beyond the horizon, beyond the
thoughts which limit our vision... live up, open up, wake up to the
call, one beautiful named "life"