Thursday, December 12, 2013


Where are those innocent smiles
where are the moments under the sun
where are the nights under the star lit sky
did i rush and run to forget and miss all of these
where is the moments to stare at the camel in the desert for hours
where are the long walks on the mountain paths where is the fun of discovering a broken chruch in the wild
where are shadows of the sun and leaves playing why dont I see them anymore
where is the beauty where I just dont get to see where is my smile which i have not smiled looking at something simple and beautiful why dont i see the colours anymore why is the sky looking soo depressing to me where is the beauty of the sky under which i live why are there only corners and not the centre of the room why are these edges where i read to fall off where are the paths which inspired to make me see beauty! 
Everyday when dawn brings along the dusk
I feel a part of me which lived died along
there is soo much I meant to today never got done
there was soo much to live when lived along
I wish to smile every moment and absorb time
between today dusk and dawn
as the circle completes I wish to reincarnate from
the fading light into the bright dawn... 

Thursday, December 05, 2013

Rain Drops

Tip said to top
as they plop and ptop
from the sky above
why do you fall on her head
and I on her top
that is not fair cause I am tip
and you are top...

Monday, December 02, 2013


The Napkin took a nap by her kin
waiting for her king in her nap she dreamed
she dreamed of the king and his kin
coming on a horse trampling and crampling on the grass so green and clean
she smiled and grin only to be woken up to wipe the grim of the face of a mannequin
That's tale of Napkin dreaming of her kin and king of her dreams 

Mr. Nonsense

Nonsense walks around the street with all his sense
sensing the light go red, feeling the urgency which could not rest,
dashing across the street in the moment of heat
jumped over the red light landing on his two feet
and there lives Nonsense in the world of senses

Sunday, December 01, 2013

there will lot more many

There will be only as many chances as you want
there will be as many lives as you want to live
there will those many masks you want to wear
there are only those many miles you want to run
there will only as many regrets as you want to pile
but there will be many chances to take
but there will be many roads to travels
but there will be many mountains to climb
but there will be many seas to conquer
but there will be many more imagination to imagined
sadly there is only of "time" we have in our lives
sadly there are thoughts we create to bind
there is a circus of freaks who will juggle and buggle
with my our head and our hearts
there is just one lifetime I dont know how can be it given to one thing
there are many things to do and many things to write
it is an absolute waste to wile it all away life i did till date
to the little dreams and grand memories down the lane ahead
i tell myself today take the ship into the sea
see where the waves lead you
there will be wind and there will be those days of stagnation
but never forget the ship it is just small vessel in the world
not the world... stop this and smile :D

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Corner of the room

a thought lies in the corner of the room
it is like the one the million things we dont use but we love to keep
there is this memory in the corner of the room
it lies there wrapped in tears and smiles
there lies on the other end of the room
a self which is devoid of the tears and smiles
there lies these million thoughts as a clouds
yet they are not clouding my mind
am I living or i am just existing
was not this life i was running away from
didn't i want a life to be living not existing
there are these thoughts and memories from the corner of the room
shouting at me where am i where is the beautiful dreams
which i dreamt from this life,
there is ingredients of the perfect life then why i am just breathing
the magic is within but they are trapped in those thought of "being" in the corner of the room
gathering dust those memories are just in the past why arent new memories recreated in this moment
why am i just living like this...
i want to see the sun rather i will see the sun in this cold night
i shall feel the warmth not those thoughts of the past but of now
where is the fire which never got tired
where is the fireplace in the corner of the room which chuckled thoughts and popped new ones out, melted the memories and created new shapes
where is the lil corner of the room where i am me and not this thing i dont like to be
where is the inspiration this is the life i always wanted to live then why i am not living
i want to live and not gather dust i want to run till my heels catches fire
i want to jump so high that i catch the star
i want to lie down under to the open sky and see the fire which ignites my days
yet all i see an empty cold room of shattered thoughts and memories which i am tired off
lets create time, lets make time to be for me not to waste the moment in despair
lets light up the fire with a wood of thoughts and passion of fire....

Sunday, November 10, 2013

cant write anymore

The familiar touch of your hand
those beautiful eyes warming up my soul
the soft hug embracing the lost soul
the world transpire to be a warm home for the lost weary traveling soul
for the million thoughts and moments and deaths alone
the dream in my eyes live through the touch
there is hope which i have not seen before
there are the dancing angels and the vanishing devils of the mind
is it love or more?
do I know what I used to know?
These world translate in newer dimension than ever before
there are thoughts there are feeling there is overwhelming
the road ahead becomes warm and the cold past hazy in the fog
the heart in love moves along...

Monday, October 21, 2013

the more I live the more I see the fickle lil mind
the more it wants to play the more it wants to explore
the more I live the more I have to settle
the more I settle the more it is unsettling
the walls are closing in, the thought is windows are shutting out
the more they come closer the more my mind plays
these walls are my imagination but in my imagination there is a bigger imagination of the mind
there is a shit lot of confusion, why are there these walls closing, if at all why are these walls
walls why do we built, to protect, I guess here to constrict our lives I dont know where this goes
may be it is just the shackles of the imagination which imagines the rust, the flavour of bondage, the smell of the rotting skins, are we really tied am I really obligated to the million walls and lines of my mind, but we only understand freedom when we see none, to understand freedom why am I doing this, I am free then why go back to bondage of your mind not others
this sounds funny when i write down...
lets live I am just being stupid :D

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

random thoughts

Trains of thoughts entangle and grow far apart
so apart that they never seemed know each other
the constant joint and deflect thoughts and emotions
arouse a sense of continuity and disjoints
there is soo much we feel in a moment, the breeze in the air
the sweet smell of nectar, the taste of the morning dew
yet we are so far away from the simpler things
why complicate whenthe moment is simple, why do they touch our heart
and the mind brushes away in a million complications...
here I sit smiling as I ride away in a new thought finding its way... 

Monday, October 14, 2013

When efforts don't translate
When words don't say what is meant
When life is less than just breathing in and out
When we are caught up in dilemmas of the past and the present
When the future look bleak plagued with hopelessness
When many-a-things don't make sense
These are the times when the mind wanders in the darkest places
Blows the candles on its way, there is the search for the one light which doesn't blow away
the heart misses that one light and warmth which makes it all right again
why is she far away!?!

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

conversation with myself...

many thoughts come to my head,
what I have dreamed and dreaded 
what I have hoped and never wished
what I loved and always hated
where I have moved, where I could be
what I could have done and what should be
there is a difference between I am where I could be
there is a wedge between what I think and what I say
what I do and what I care
where is a huge storm in my head whipping up about the life as we see
there is this chase why why am not happy when I won a race
why is there an emptiness within which is eating me away
why do I see a problem where are none
is this mind searching for new problems as it did always
I don't why is there a complication which in the first place shouldn't be there
why I am writing and not just thinking
why I am thinking and just not studying
why I living here and wishing I was not living here
when will there be the warm home in the green mountains and clear blue sky
I want to see my comforting smile living with me in that house
when there will be my cup of tea and I shall smile and read
when there be the bliss of the cigarette I smoked for the first time
when will I hit the high of a lifetime and not care
why do I worry when there is none to worry 
why there is a madness in my world and calmness all around
why is there an impression in my head and others of what is not me
what am I, I am not a puzzle but a case with simple wants
why I convoluting  life when ti simple
I breathe hence I live, I love hence I grow, I study hence I travel
canvas of my life is comfortably a random walk,
but beyond the theory of chaos these are storms which I have whipped
in my head and beyond....
why do people not see the simple me,
I want to cry and laugh, I want to smile and be happy
I want my simple life back, actually I have my simple life back
you dont need goals you need to enjoy life
live and not exists far too long in these million goals some yours some of others
the thing which repulsed you the most you became that
you evaluating rather living
this is not the life you imagined to be
it is the very web you wanted to be away from
life makes sense when you are peace
you are not at peace with your own self
who are you - the earliest memory of you in me
is the man who smiled and played with his imaginary battles
where is the tipu sultan who traveled and conqured
where is the boy which was always special to me
where is the imagination which never knew a bound
why have you bounded yourself soo much that you are even scared to think
you are living you are fighting the lines you have drawn in your mind
lines of evaluation, lines where you could be happy, lines where you should be happy
lets erase these lines lets imagine, lets be with people and see the beauty they offer and not the horrors
where is that little prithijit mukherjee
what did the world do to him
you are away from that world i have little prithi back
i want that smile i want to play football on the terrace of kalkaji apartment
whom i did not judge as i judge today
i should talk infinitely about my head thinks
I should be with people I love and adore
i should stop judging that is what you hated the most when people did that to you
why these infinite assumptions when all it yields is a black box of failure you so loved and cared
you thought you were failure because others thought you were
today you are a success to norms but a failure to yourself if you keep on living like this
Prithi I want that you back, I want that smile, I want that warm person who cared and not questioned
Prithi this is who you always were and you should be always
dont loose yourself we know how beautiful life is when it is you
the sunset finds a meaning so does the sunrise
the days make sense and not pass in a whiff
this is all I want Prithi to be yourself to be the first thought you were
to simple and to be happy!
you dont need the world as dictated by your lines
you need the world to be itself and find the nice place which it always had for you
dont move away from the smile, dont loose yourself in anger
be back away from the shell of lines to living!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Some random thoughts

Our mind eternally waits for the bliss which we never seems to reach,
Our heart wants to see the beauty which is here but stuck in our imagination of the past and the present,
the reality is the beauty which our eyes sees and our skin feels,
it is much like the beauty of music there the dancing imaginary notes is a dance of angels, the skins wakes up to the beats, the tongue taste the sweet nectar...
 the beauty in our lives is what is here now! it is the setting sun, the falling leaves, the changing seasons, the glowing moon, it is the kiss of love, it is freshness of everyday companionship gives up, it is the feeling of longing and belonging which completes us...
 life is not as complicated as our minds makes it to be, it is indeed simple, it what we see not what we want to see, not what we want to hear, in the expectations of ought we miss the music of the presents we forget to sway to the beats, we forget to love and dance with the one we love in the times we love the most!
the present is beauty I wish it never ends!


Wednesday, August 21, 2013


the sprinkle of emotions
the trickles of tears of joy
the dilemma of the leaving and staying back
the sunset and the beautiful dark nights
the moonstruck days and clouded skies
the zing of cinnamon in coffee and the zest of lemon in tea
the faint fragrance of flowers and books
the music of the leaves and song of the rains
there are more and there are less
whatever there are I shall leave it for the rest!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Why do I?

Why do I breathe, every breath is a step closer to death
Why do I walk, when every step is harder than the next
Why do I sleep, when it is a nightmare in which I live
Why do I dream, when they are meant to be shattered
Why do I hope, when they are never meant to be true
Why do I write, when nothing new comes by.............